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更新时间:2022-11-10 16:42:08
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  Everyone wants success. But what is success? Generally, people think success is a great deal of money, high position, academic achievement, and so on. However, most of these people never really define what success means to them. In my opinion, success is a feeling, which makes you happy and content.

  Success is a feeling, that means success is not considered as big or small, high or low. It is just a good mood from your heart. Maybe passing a final test is a success for a student, learning to walk is a success for a little child, marrying a beautiful girl is a success for a lad, signing a contract is a success for a pany. Success varies from individual to group.

  Success is a feeling, that means success is changing since your childhood. While you were a little child, you thought it was a success that your parents finally bought you lovely toys after you begged again and again. Success is the feeling you had when you were told that you won the contest. After graduation, you started working. You were successful when you finished a plicated task very well and you were praised. When married, maybe a happy marriage and a happy family meant success for you. When your child grew up, you hoped he or she attend a famous university or go abroad to study or work, at that time you considered that was your success. When you were old enough and couldn’t work at all, success was a feeling that your children and grandchildren came to see you from a long distance. Actually, success always acpanied you in your growth.

  However, we have to admit that you can’t be successful all the time. We always meet many difficulties on the way to success. The more difficult it is, the much happier we are when we succeed.

  To be successful, we should have a clear aim and then try our best to reach it. Wherever you go, whatever you are, your success belongs to yourself. It is a good feeling that you love it very much, and it really can make you laugh from the heart.


  My Understanding of Innovation

  Good afternoon everybody. I’m Alison from GAMI. It’s my honour to stand here to share my understanding of innovation.

  About innovation,what comes to your mind firstly ? As for me, most innovation shines our lives in the long process of humanhistory. Just imagine ten million years ago, what are our ancestors’ lifestyles? They must hunt animals or pick the roots and leaves for food laboriously with simple tools ; They have to roar with each other to communicate in a long distance; Their transportation basically rely on walking. In short, their lives are hard, simple, even a little boring.

  However, taking a look at our lives today! We can order KFC at home , our food is more easily and diversifiedly to be acquired; we can get in touch with our friends anywhere at anytime by telephone , E-mail andWeChat! Our vehicles include buses ,cars, planes and so on, it becames so easy to reach the destination. So how did these happen? Those changes are all owing to the countless innovation. It makes our lives become more convenient, comfortable and colorful.

  But in today’s modern life , don’t we need to innovate? No no, let’s have a look at the problems we are facing: air pollution, traffic jam, waste of resources. Those are related to our survival. Maybe we can make a huge machine to filter the polluted , or invent a car which not only can drive along the road, but also can fly in the sky; or one day we synthesis super energy materials, we would never relay on traditional resources any more.

  Are those ideas too exaggerated? Who knows? Just as hundreds years ago, nobody can imagine we can fly by plane.

  Time will tell you the truth .As Edward, a famous psychologists, said: Without innovation, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. Therefore, innovation is an eternal topic for people, countries and societies!

  That’s all, thank u !


  i have a dreamevery one has s own dream. when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.i have got quite different experience from other girls. wle they were playing toys at home, wle they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain, jumping in the heavy snow, pitcng in the strong wind. notng could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete. yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete, i'm so proud of that all the time .when i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put athlete. the training was really hard ,i couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands i can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.i have a dream that one day ,i can stand on the ghest place at the olympicgames. with all the cameras pointing at me. i will tell everyone that i'm so proud to be a cnese athlete!ts is my hope .ts is the faith that i continue my steps with!!!with ts faith ,i will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !so let victory ring from my heart, from all of you. when we allow victory to ring .i must be the one!in my imagination, i'm a bird ,a magical bird. i carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. i fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea, to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!every night ,i have a dream ,i see a girl ---smiling~


  That is why this summer, at the G20 conference, the United States and Japan were founding members of a bold, new initiative with the World Bank – the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative. This facility is the first of its kind to empower women entrepreneurs in developing countries. It will provide access to the capital, networks, and mentorship needed to thrive and will dramatically impact the ecosystem of women’s entrepreneurship globally.

  And we are just getting started!

  As we gather in Tokyo today, I can’t help but think of some of the great women pioneers in this country who have inspired our generation.

  Women like Yoshiko Shinohara

  She survived World War Two, started as a secretary and went on to open a small business in her one-bedroom apartment. Her company grew into a world renowned business in over a dozen countries. Today, as you all know, Yoshiko is Japan’s first female self-made billionaire. Now, she helps young people afford the education they need to pursue their dreams and contribute to society.

  Because of pioneers like Yoshiko, women in this country – and around the world – aspire to greater feats, climb to higher positions, and pave new pathways forward.

  Today, we are redefining success. We’re discarding the old formula of the ideal woman-the ideal worker -the ideal mother. We are helping to shape a more realistic and complete picture of what it is to be a woman who thrives – and who helps her business, community and family do the same.

  The fact is, ALL women are “working women.” Whether they make the commute to work each morning, or spend each day with their children at home, or some combination of both. Truth be told, on Sunday nights, after a messy and wonderful weekend with my children, I am far more exhausted than on Friday evenings, after a long week of work at the office. I deeply admire women who choose to work inside the home raising their children and respect this decision.


  good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour to speak here .i value this chance of sharing teaching experience with distinguished teachers very much.to be honest i felt rather nervous.i can still remember when i made my first speech in college.i ev en couldnt control my breath . .because i really didnt know what to say at that time .well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strong sense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence. after being an english teacher, i think, to be a good english teacher, you should know your major well.your personality is as important as your knowledge. a good english teacher must be enthusiastic.you must love your students and respect them.in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pride in your work.a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate your students to seek knowledge. ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our cla, he looked so quiet, no age childrens lively and cheerful, he didnt dare to answer the question loudly, when i asked him to do the dialogue in front, he even had a big cry .and he didnt dare to see anyone ,whose voice low like a whisper, i am well aware that he lacked of confidence and neceary encouragement .so, then i give the opportunity to him for each cla , and i encouraged him to say: jake you have been done better than last time, and i also make the clamates to applaud him, i also told his mother to encourage him when seeing his progre, day by day , i am surprised to find the child really progreed, now he can put up hands to answer a question activly ,whats more, he can take part in the game, performance has been greatly improved.his mother was pleased to tell me her child progreed .every time, after school he always chatter without stopping told her that what he learned in zhongxin , and the performance is greatly improved, as his teacher was really excited for his progre, i realized the unprecedented : [?npresid?ntid)achievement! this sense of achievement is no substitute. in bible,it says: love is patient; love is kind; .it does not insist on its own way; it bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.love never ends. grow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my life value,that is what i want to do. if there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i won’t choose anything except being an english teacher. i enjoy my job, and i love my life.thats all .thank you for listening!

  上午好女士们先生们 我非常荣幸站在这里,我珍惜这次和这么多优秀老师一起分享教学经验的机会,说实话我还是有点紧张,我记得我的第一次演讲还是在大学的时候,我甚至无法控制我的呼吸,因为那时我不知道说些什么. 今天,作为中信的一名多年的教师,我有种强烈的责任感,那使我充满了力量和信心。








  my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.

  i have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.

  i think this dream is deeply rooted in the future.

  as we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases, environmental pollution and even wars.

  most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed.

  however, i still can stick to my innermost dream, as i still can see the bright lights in our future.

  i believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to making our common dreams come true.

  i will not just wait but to take action to live in my dream.



  It's nice to be back at Princeton. I find it difficult to believe that it's been almost 11 years since I departed these halls for Washington. I wrote recently to inquire about the status of my leave from the university, and the letter I got back began, "Regrettably, Princeton receives many more qualified applicants for faculty positions than we can accommodate." 重返普林斯顿感觉不错,很难相信,我离开校园赴华盛顿已经11年了。近期我向校方询问了我的教职问题,回信称:“很遗憾,普林斯顿收到很多更有才华的学者的求职信,而教职有限。”

  I'll extend my best wishes to the seniors later, but first I want to congratulate the parents and families here. As a parent myself, I know that putting your kid through college these days is no walk in the park. Some years ago I had a colleague who sent three kids through Princeton even though neither he nor his wife attended this university. He and his spouse were very proud of that accomplishment, as they should have been. But my colleague also used to say that, from a financial perspective, the experience was like buying a new Cadillac every year and then driving it off a cliff. I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute. So, well done, moms, dads, and families. 我将在稍后献上对毕业生的最美好祝愿,首先我要恭喜在座的家长们。作为父母,我知道这年头供孩子读完大学不容易,数年前,我的一个同事有3个孩子毕业于普林斯顿,尽管他们夫妻都不毕业于此,但我的同事常说,从财政角度讲,这如同每年买辆卡迪拉克,然后让车坠崖。他总会补充说,他会毫不犹豫的选择重新来过。所以,感谢你们的工作,母亲们,父亲们,及家人们。

  This is indeed an impressive and appropriate setting for a commencement. I am sure that, from this lectern, any number of distinguished spiritual leaders have ruminated on the lessons of the Ten Commandments. I don't have that kind of confidence, and, anyway, coveting your neighbor's ox or donkey is not the problem it used to be, so I thought I would use my few minutes today to make Ten Suggestions, or maybe just Ten Observations, about the world and your lives after Princeton. Please note, these points have nothing whatsoever to do with interest rates. My qualification for making such suggestions, or observations, besides having kindly been invited to speak today by President Tilghman, is the same as the reason that your obnoxious brother or sister got to go to bed later--I am older than you. All of what follows has been road-tested in real-life situations, but past performance is no guarantee of future results. 这确实是做毕业典礼演讲的合适场合,我认为,在这一讲台上,每个精神导师都受到过“十诫”的教诲,我没有那样的信心,而且无论无何,觊觎邻居的驴牛已不是目前的问题,所以今年前几分钟我将提出“十个建议”,或称为对这个世界和你们毕业后的生活的十个观察。请注意,这十点与利率毫无关系。我之所以有资格提出这些建议和或观察,除了普林斯顿的善意邀请外,理由和你们讨厌的'哥哥姐姐可以晚睡是一个道理:我比你们更老。以下内容均经受过生活的考验,但以往表现并不能确保未来的结果。

  1. The poet Robert Burns once said something about the best-laid plans of mice and men ganging aft agley, whatever "agley" means. A more contemporary philosopher, Forrest Gump, said something similar about life and boxes of chocolates and not knowing what you are going to get. They were both right. Life is amazingly unpredictable; any 22-year-old who thinks he or she knows where they will be in 10 years, much less in 30, is simply lacking imagination. Look what happened to me: A dozen years ago I was minding my own business teaching Economics 101 in Alexander Hall and trying to think of good excuses for avoiding faculty meetings. Then I got a phone call... In case you are skeptical of Forrest Gump's insight, here's a concrete suggestion for each of the graduating seniors. Take a few minutes the first chance you get and talk to an alum participating in his or her 25th, or 30th, or 40th reunion--you know, somebody who was near the front of the P-rade. Ask them, back when they were graduating 25, 30, or 40 years ago, where they expected to be today. If you can get them to open up, they will tell you that today they are happy and satisfied in various measures, or not, and their personal stories will be filled with highs and lows and in-betweens. But, I am willing to bet, those life stories will in almost all cases be quite different, in large and small ways, from what they expected when they started out. This is a good thing, not a bad thing; who wants to know the end of a story that's only in its early chapters? Don't be afraid to let the drama play out. 1、阿甘曾讲到人生和巧克力的相似性,你不知道下一块巧克力的味道。人生确实难以预料,任何一个认为知道其10年后情况的毕业生,更不同说三十年了,我只能说他或她缺乏想象力。看看我吧,12年前我一心教经济学入门课程,想着编造什么理由不参加教学会议,结果我接到了那个电话。有过你有机会与毕业25年、30年或40年的校友交谈,并使他们敞开心扉,他们将告诉你,他们对生活中哪些事满意或不满意,他们经历过的高潮和低谷。但我敢打赌,他们的人生故事将与预期相异。这是好事而不是坏事,谁想在故事的开篇就知道结局呢?

  2. Does the fact that our lives are so influenced by chance and seemingly small decisions and actions mean that there is no point to planning, to striving? Not at all. Whatever life may have in store for you, each of you has a grand, lifelong project, and that is the development of yourself as a human being. Your family and friends and your time at Princeton have given you a good start. What will you do with it? Will you keep learning and thinking hard and critically about the most important questions? Will you become an emotionally stronger person, more generous, more loving, more ethical? Will you involve yourself actively and constructively in the world? Many things will happen in your lives, pleasant and not so pleasant, but, paraphrasing a Woodrow Wilson School adage from the time I was here, "Wherever you go, there you are." If you are not happy with yourself, even the loftiest achievements won't bring you much satisfaction. 2、 是否人生偶然性之大的事实,意味着小的决定和行动无足轻重,不需要规划和奋斗呢?当然不是。无论未来人生如何,她将是一个宏大和漫长的项目,是你作为个人 的发展过程。你的家人、朋友和你在普林斯顿的时光已经为你造就了良好的开端,未来你会如何?你会不断学习、竭力思索、对至关重要的问题持批判态度吗?你会 成为情感上更强大、更大度、更有爱心、更道德的人吗?你会更积极的、更建设性的参与世事吗?你的人生会有很多故事,快乐的,及不太快乐的,如果你不为自己 感到快乐,就连最伟大的成就业也不会让你感到满足。

  3. The concept of success leads me to consider so-called meritocracies and their implications. We have been taught that meritocratic institutions and societies are fair. Putting aside the reality that no system, including our own, is really entirely meritocratic, meritocracies may be fairer and more efficient than some alternatives. But fair in an absolute sense? Think about it. A meritocracy is a system in which the people who are the luckiest in their health and genetic endowment; luckiest in terms of family support, encouragement, and, probably, income; luckiest in their educational and career opportunities; and luckiest in so many other ways difficult to enumerate--these are the folks who reap the largest rewards. The only way for even a putative meritocracy to hope to pass ethical muster, to be considered fair, is if those who are the luckiest in all of those respects also have the greatest responsibility to work hard, to contribute to the betterment of the world, and to share their luck with others. As the Gospel of Luke says (and I am sure my rabbi will forgive me for quoting the New Testament in a good cause): "From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded" (Luke 12:48, New Revised Standard Version Bible). Kind of grading on the curve, you might say. 3、 成功的概念促使我考虑所谓的精英主义及其含义。精英是在健康和基因上最幸运的人,他们在家庭支持、鼓励上,或在收入上也是最幸运的,他们在教育和职业机遇 上最幸运,他们在很多方面都最幸运,一般人难以复制。一个精英体制是否公平,要看这些精英是否有义务努力工作、致力于建设更好的世界,并与他人分享幸运。

  4. Who is worthy of admiration? The admonition from Luke--which is shared by most ethical and philosophical traditions, by the way--helps with this question as well. Those most worthy of admiration are those who have made the best use of their advantages or, alternatively, coped most courageously with their adversities. I think most of us would agree that people who have, say, little formal schooling but labor honestly and diligently to help feed, clothe, and educate their families are deserving of greater respect--and help, if necessary--than many people who are superficially more successful. They're more fun to have a beer with, too. That's all that I know about sociology. 4、谁值得尊重?是那些充分利用其优势,或勇敢面对逆境的人。我想我们会认同,那些虽然接受的正式教育不多,但诚实劳动、勤勉的为家人提供衣食和教育的人,相比更多表面上很成功的人,更值得尊重,和他们喝两杯是更有趣的事情。

  5. Since I have covered what I know about sociology, I might as well say something about political science as well. In regard to politics, I have always liked Lily Tomlin's line, in paraphrase: "I try to be cynical, but I just can't keep up." We all feel that way sometime. Actually, having been in Washington now for almost 11 years, as I mentioned, I feel that way quite a bit. Ultimately, though, cynicism is a poor substitute for critical thought and constructive action. Sure, interests and money and ideology all matter, as you learned in political science. But my experience is that most of our politicians and policymakers are trying to do the right thing, according to their own views and consciences, most of the time. If you think that the bad or indifferent results that too often come out of Washington are due to base motives and bad intentions, you are giving politicians and policymakers way too much credit for being effective. Honest error in the face of complex and possibly intractable problems is a far more important source of bad results than are bad motives. For these reasons, the greatest forces in Washington are ideas, and people prepared to act on those ideas. Public service isn't easy. But, in the end, if you are inclined in that direction, it is a worthy and challenging pursuit. 5、 提到政治,愤世嫉俗是批判性思考和建设性行动的更糟糕的替代品。当然,利益、金钱和意识形态都有影响力,如你在政治课上所学。但我的感受是大部分政界人士 都在寻求做正确的事情,大部分时候,这由他们的观点和意识决定。在复杂及难于处理的问题上所犯的诚实错误,更是糟糕结果的主要原因,而非不良动机。因此, 华盛顿最有影响的力量是观念和想法,人们基于这些观念去行动。公共服务并不轻松,如果你选择了这一道路,那是值得的,并颇具挑战性。

  6. Having taken a stab at sociology and political science, let me wrap up economics while I'm at it. Economics is a highly sophisticated field of thought that is superb at explaining to policymakers precisely why the choices they made in the past were wrong. About the future, not so much. However, careful economic analysis does have one important benefit, which is that it can help kill ideas that are completely logically inconsistent or wildly at variance with the data. This insight covers at least 90 percent of proposed economic policies. 6、经济学是颇具诡辩性的思维领域,她在解释决策者以往所犯错误方面显得很崇高,但在预测未来时,则不仅如此。然而,谨慎的经济分析确有重要益处,她能去除那些不合逻辑或与数据不符的想法,这对90%的经济政策建议有影响。

  7. I'm not going to tell you that money doesn't matter, because you wouldn't believe me anyway. In fact, for too many people around the world, money is literally a life-or-death proposition. But if you are part of the lucky minority with the ability to choose, remember that money is a means, not an end. A career decision based only on money and not on love of the work or a desire to make a difference is a recipe for unhappiness. 7、我不会告诉你们金钱无用,反正你们也不会听的。事实上,对全球很多人来说,金钱能够决定生存还是死亡。但如果你属于那些幸运得有能力进行抉择的少数人,请记住,金钱只是途径,而非最终目标。职业选择基于收入、而非热爱,或做出贡献的热情,是日后苦恼的根源。

  8. Nobody likes to fail but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. If your uniform isn't dirty, you haven't been in the game. 8、没有人希望失败,但失败是生活和学习的一部分。如果你衣衫整齐,你并没有进入比赛。

  9. I spoke earlier about definitions of personal success in an unpredictable world. I hope that as you develop your own definition of success, you will be able to do so, if you wish, with a close companion on your journey. In making that choice, remember that physical beauty is evolution's way of assuring us that the other person doesn't have too many intestinal parasites. Don't get me wrong, I am all for beauty, romance, and sexual attraction--where would Hollywood and Madison Avenue be without them? But while important, those are not the only things to look for in a partner. The two of you will have a long trip together, I hope, and you will need each other's support and sympathy more times than you can count. Speaking as somebody who has been happily married for 35 years, I can't imagine any choice more consequential for a lifelong journey than the choice of a traveling companion. 9、 我希望你们能够发展自身对成功的定义,在这一过程中,你们能够选择一位亲密的伴侣。在做出选择时,要记住外表美只是人类演变的一种方式,它使我们确信对方 没有肠道寄生虫。不要误解我,我也为美丽、浪漫和性所吸引,不然美国影视业和广告业怎么生存下去呢?但尽管重要,这些不是寻找人生伴侣时需要考虑的事 情。你们将共同走过人生旅程,需要对方的支持和关爱。作为已婚35年的人士,我想象不到比选择人生伴侣更重要的事情。

  10. Call your mom and dad once in a while. A time will come when you will want your own grown-up, busy, hyper-successful children to call you. Also, remember who paid your tuition to Princeton. 10、时不时的给父母去个电话。早晚有一天,你希望自己长大成人的、工作繁忙的、超级成功的孩子给你来个电话,再者,请记着谁供养你上的大学。

  Those are my suggestions. They're probably worth exactly what you paid for them. But they come from someone who shares your affection for this great institution and who wishes you the best for the future.

  Congratulations, graduates. Give 'em hell. 最后,毕业生们,给他们点颜色看看。





Ladies and gentlemen ,

  Good evening , It is really my honor to have this opportunity to give this speech to you all , and my topic here is :how to make a good impression . As we all know, first impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time. For example,when you take an interview,……

  My college life may be described as painful together with happiness. It is painful, I often read some books besides special field, treat professional book interest is not large, so when having caused examination, it is very vexed. Happineis because being the college student of new times I am than the happineof person of the same age, I have the opportunity , university reading is to come from family , society is with teacher classmates support and help. I love college life , love library and the building of school , love my teachers to treat the spirit of knowledge. Treat a scientific attitude before going to have no. Here though, I feel that study is very hard matter, but at the same time I have also studied a lot of behave , work , do research beautiful quality. My special thanks life has given me beautiful university time, this will is my life the most important most beautiful stage. After decade, it is that I will tell my my child university time so beautiful.My my college life of college life may use pain and happineapperance. It is painful, I often read some books besides special field, treat professional book interest is not large, so when having caused examination, it is very vexed. Happineis because being the college student of new times I am than the happineof person of the same age, I have the opportunity , university reading is to come from family , society is with teacher classmates support and help. I love college life , love library and the building of school , love my teachers to treat the spirit of knowledge. Treat a scientific attitude before going to have no. Here though, I feel that study is very hard matter, but at the same time I have also studied a lot of behave , work , do research beautiful quality. My special thanks life has given me beautiful university time, this will is my life the most important most beautiful stage. After decade, it is that I will tell my my child university time so beautiful.

  When people were born,many things had been determined.Some were given genius,some were not.It's really a hard work that people who had mental problems grown up.Most of them had their IQ below 70,some even lower.When they grew up,their mental age would still remain a level of child. The Special Olympics was the game of these people.Started in the year 1968,the special Olympics had developed to have more than 170 countries joined in,and tens of thousand athletes took part in it.Special Olympic players swore:"let me win ,but if I cannot win,let me be brave in the attempt."

  The loof Titanic

  The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 89l. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen water- tight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loof life.

  Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing acrothe icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen water-

  tight compartments had already been flooded ! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough life-boats for everybody, 1500 lives were lost。


  Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

  It’s my great honor to be here and i am very happy to see you all. thank you for being here. What i am going to talk about today is how to speak good english.

  First of all, i’d like to talk about the importance of speaking good english and share my experience in learning english with you. As you know, english has become an international language. Wherever you go, english is always commonly used. It is convenient to know the language. At the same time, english may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. the language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly english. Being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new century.In the 21century. We can’t go there and speak our own language because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. our asian rival, india, has surged ahead of other developing countries in information technology because of its superior english skills. Unless we are able to master english, we will not be able to get our population to use it and take advantage of the new economy.There is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.

  Second, about learning english, i think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak english every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful.Of course, learning english takes some time, so don’t be impatient. Remember, rome wasn’t built in a day. And then since english is not our native tongue, we must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds.When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. tongue muscles’ Training is of importance in learning any foreign language.

  Third, if you want to speak good english, please don’t care how poorly well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. You must enjoy losing face, just forget about your face. the more you speak, the better your english will become. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. You must enjoy speaking poor english, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. don’t give up. Just try your best. every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. You can make it.

  I have made a considerable amounts of public english speaking in my life, i am often asked why the crazy english method is better than other methods or if the crazy english method will help all english learners. My answer is, the method will help the english learners because it is a perfect match with the chinese principles of diligence, self-help and determination. mere exposure to english will not enable you to speak english. if you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim.In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning english. You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills.In order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. But, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.

  Finally, i want to greet you and encourage you to seize this unique opportunity to conquer english and make lifelong friends from all over our college. As you know, we are human beings ,not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our mind to do. today, i will accompany you every minute on this unique journey. I want you to open your heart, i want you to be devoted, i want you to be crazy, i want you to forget about your face, i want to open your mouth wildly, i want you conquer your laziness and all the other human weaknesses, i want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.I want to share your joy and i want to share your struggle, but most important of all, i want to share your glory and victory. We are the future of china, the future of asian, and the future of the world. We desire to win, we must win, we will win, absolutely, definitely, and without any doubt! form a painfully shy boy who felt terrible about himself, who regarded himself as human trash, a born loser, to an internationally recognized english promoter, i made it. so i strongly believe that you will make it too. I have confidence in you.


  The tempo of modern civilization has been much quickened in the last twenty years. While witnessing the dramatic changes in the better-off society, people begin to reconsider the question of "survival". "Survival" in the old sense does not bother us anymore. Instead, we are more concerned about how to "survive" in the human world full of competition.

  Competition always carries abreast challenges and opportunities to everyone involved. It might appear in an entrance exam, in a regular class, or in a small public speech. Those who fail to detect its real nature-whether an opportunity or a challenge a competition really is- will lose something more or less conducive to our growth. Of course, if we take the competition as an opportunity, we will favor it intentionally because they can help us outstand from the average; they will make us become the focus of public attention; they will grant us more chances and rights to succeed. As a matter of fact, opportunities are supposed to be more perceptible and welcoming than challenges. The truth is, however, we will lose more opportunities when we choose to take the "opportunity" fork at the crossroads. The other fork, ignored by us and defined as "fearful challenges", offers much more chances for the walker in competition.

  We have such an inclination in life to overestimate ourselves and hold a thoughtless attitude towards the negative outlook of things.

  We believe in the old saying, "Opportunity knocks but just once," so we always welcome it and devote all our spirit and efforts to it. The most devout believer of this saying are the graduates. Why? There are quite a number of them who pay full attention to positions in big cities and are willing to flood into developed areas under any circumstances, even though there will be too much uncertainty for their choices. Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers.

  In conclusion, to define the quality of competition seems to be far from valuable sense, for no matter what a competition is, an opportunity or a challenge, it will create nutritious elements for our growth.

  So take a positive look at everything around. Keep our face to the sunshine, and we will not see the shadows.

  In front of challenge there are 5 players.

  The first player creates opportunity.

  The second one attempts opportunity.

  The third waits for an opportunity coming, sitting there and crossing his fingers.:)

  How about the next one, the fourth player? He just simply misses the opportunity.

  Worse ever, the last contender ignores an opportunity under his eyes.

  If we don't have guts to be the first player, at least, we can push out well-prepared to grasp any possible opportunity as does the second player.


  Today is Saturday, I don’t need to go to school, so I decided to take somemorning exercises. Early in the morning, I went out of the house and lookedaround, the city was so quiet. With few cars, the air was fresh, I felt socomfortable. Besides the people who took the morning exercise, I found somepeople who worn the orange uniform, they were working. This was the first timefor me to see the cleaners work in the morning, they were easily neglected,because they worked so early and when the time for people to go to work,cleaners rested.

  Watching these cleaners working, I feel so thankful for them,they were doing the greatest job. People praised them as the city’s dressers,they kept the city clean all the time and brought comfort to people.

  They arethe respectable people, we should applause for them.


  Faith is a kind of power that can't be ignored. When you believe in yourself, you will succeed

  One day, I found that a black spider made a big net in the backyard between two eaves. The spider will fly? Or, from the eaves to the eaves, the middle one Zhang Yu wide, the first line is how to pull the past? Later, I found the spider walked many detours. From a Yantou, knotted, along the wall, step by step forward to climb, carefully, cocked tail, not to touch the ground wire of gravel or other objects, through clearing, then climbed the opposite eaves height, almost, and then tighten, later also is such.

  The spider will not fly, but it can knit in the air. It is diligent, sensitive, silent and tough insect, its sophisticated system and network rules, to spread gossip, as if to get the help of God. Such achievements, reminiscent of those people and some deep Tibet be scanty of words not the dew of the wise. So, I remember the spider can not fly, but it is still the network node in the air. It is caused by persistent.


  My dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.

  My dream is to become a teacher.you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day.and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge.They might become stronger and cleverer because of me.

  That is a very contented feeling.china is a developing country.

  Chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent.so teachers in china might be very very important.They can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.

  Do you think that i have a good dream? I will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks


  good morning, everyone ! before we start our speech, let me ask you a question. what do you believe in? of course, different people may have different answers. some may choose hard word; some may believe money is everything; others may think that nothing is more important than power. but in my opinion, honesty is the best policy. this is also the topic of our speech today.

  honesty is a good virtue, it means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. those who lie and cheat are dishonest. those who get good grades , not by hard work, but by other means are also dishonest.

  honesty is the most important. no matter what you do, if you are honest, you will be trusted and respected, but if you lie and cheat, you will be looked down upon by people around. once you lie, even if you speak the truth, people will never believe you. there is a story that the wolf is coming in our china. we should always remember this lesson, and never make the same mistake again.

  since honesty is so important, we should try our best to get it , we should speak the truth all the time. we should never make such an excuse as "a little dishonest is only a trifle thing." we should get rid of the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.

  so, let's to be an honest man. it can make us have much more chances and ways to succeed, and it also makes us happy and gains fame and a lot of praise.

  that's all for today! thank you for your listening!


Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “youth”.I hope you will like it,and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.Do you know what is youth?How do you master your youth?

  Youth is not a time of life,it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees,it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals.

  Years wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  Whether 60 of 16,there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders,the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from the infinite,so long as you are young.

  When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,then you are grown old,even at 20,but as long as your aerials are up,to catch waves of optimism,there is hope you may die young at 80.

  Thank you!










